ODM2CV - Schema
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Table NameComment
CV_ActionTypeTable containing terms used in the ActionType controlled vocabulary.
CV_AggregationStatisticTable containing terms used in the AggregationStatistic controlled vocabulary.
CV_AnnotationTypeTable containing terms used in the AnnotationType controlled vocabulary.
CV_CensorCodeTable containing terms used in the CensorCode controlled vocabulary.
CV_DataQualityTypeTable containing terms used in the DataQualityType controlled vocabulary.
CV_DatasetTypeTable containing terms used in the DatasetType controlled vocabulary.
CV_DirectiveTypeTable containing terms used in the DirectiveType controlled vocabulary.
CV_ElevationDatumTable containing terms used in the ElevationDatum controlled vocabulary.
CV_EquipmentTypeTable containing terms used in the EquipmentType controlled vocabulary.
CV_MediumTable containing terms used in the Medium controlled vocabulary.
CV_MethodTypeTable containing terms used in the MethodType controlled vocabulary.
CV_OrganizationTypeTable containing terms used in the OrganizationType controlled vocabulary.
CV_PropertyDataTypeTable containing terms used in the PropertyDataType controlled vocabulary.
CV_QualityCodeTable containing terms used in the QualityCode controlled vocabulary.
CV_RelationshipTypeTable containing terms used in the RelationshipType controlled vocabulary.
CV_ResultTypeTable containing terms used in the ResultType controlled vocabulary.
CV_SamplingFeatureGeoTypeTable containing terms used in the SamplingFeatureGeoType controlled vocabulary.
CV_SamplingFeatureTypeTable containing terms used in the SamplingFeatureType controlled vocabulary.
CV_SiteTypeTable containing terms used in the SiteType controlled vocabulary.
CV_SpatialOffsetTypeTable containing terms used in the SpatialOffsetType controlled vocabulary.
CV_SpeciationTable containing terms used in the Speciation controlled vocabulary.
CV_SpecimenTypeTable containing terms used in the SpecimenType controlled vocabulary.
CV_StatusTable containing terms used in the Status controlled vocabulary.
CV_TaxonomicClassifierTypeTable containing terms used in the TaxonomicClassifierType controlled vocabulary.
CV_UnitsTypeTable containing terms used in the UnitsType controlled vocabulary.
CV_VariableNameTable containing terms used in the VariableName controlled vocabulary.
CV_VariableTypeTable containing terms used in the VariableType controlled vocabulary.