Source code for

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

import warnings

from odm2api import serviceBase
from odm2api.models import (
    ActionAnnotations, ActionDirectives, ActionExtensionPropertyValues, Actions,
    Affiliations, Annotations, AuthorLists, CVActionType, CVAggregationStatistic,
    CVAnnotationType, CVCensorCode, CVDataQualityType, CVDataSetType, CVDirectiveType,
    CVElevationDatum, CVEquipmentType, CVMediumType, CVMethodType, CVOrganizationType,
    CVPropertyDataType, CVQualityCode, CVRelationshipType, CVResultType, CVSamplingFeatureGeoType,
    CVSamplingFeatureType, CVSiteType, CVSpatialOffsetType, CVSpeciation, CVSpecimenType,
    CVStatus, CVTaxonomicClassifierType, CVUnitsType, CVVariableName, CVVariableType,
    CalibrationActions, CalibrationReferenceEquipment, CalibrationStandards,
    CategoricalResultValueAnnotations, CategoricalResultValues, CitationExtensionPropertyValues,
    CitationExternalIdentifiers, DataLoggerFileColumns, DataLoggerFiles, DataLoggerProgramFiles,
    DataQuality, DataSetCitations, DataSets, DataSetsResults, DerivationEquations, Directives, Equipment,
    EquipmentActions, EquipmentAnnotations, EquipmentModels, EquipmentUsed, ExtensionProperties,
    ExternalIdentifierSystems, FeatureActions, InstrumentOutputVariables, MaintenanceActions,
    MeasurementResultValueAnnotations, MeasurementResultValues, MethodAnnotations,
    MethodCitations, MethodExtensionPropertyValues, MethodExternalIdentifiers,
    Methods, Models, Organizations, People, PersonExternalIdentifiers,
    PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations, PointCoverageResultValues, ProcessingLevels,
    ProfileResultValueAnnotations, ProfileResultValues, ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers,
    ReferenceMaterialValues, ReferenceMaterials, RelatedActions, RelatedAnnotations,
    RelatedCitations, RelatedDataSets, RelatedEquipment, RelatedFeatures, RelatedModels,
    RelatedResults, ResultAnnotations, ResultDerivationEquations, ResultExtensionPropertyValues,
    ResultNormalizationValues, Results, ResultsDataQuality, SamplingFeatureAnnotations,
    SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues, SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers,
    SamplingFeatures, SectionResultValueAnnotations, SectionResults, Simulations,
    SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers, SpatialReferences, SpecimenBatchPositions,
    SpectraResultValueAnnotations, SpectraResultValues, TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers,
    TaxonomicClassifiers, TimeSeriesResultValueAnnotations, TimeSeriesResultValues,
    TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations, TrajectoryResultValues,
    TransectResultValueAnnotations, TransectResultValues, Units, VariableExtensionPropertyValues,
    VariableExternalIdentifiers, Variables,

import pandas as pd

from sqlalchemy import distinct, exists
from sqlalchemy.orm import contains_eager

__author__ = 'sreeder'

[docs]class DetailedResult: def __init__(self, action, result, sc, sn, method, variable, processingLevel, unit): # result.result_id etc. self.ResultID = result.ResultID self.SamplingFeatureCode = sc self.MethodCode = method.MethodCode self.VariableCode = variable.VariableCode self.ProcessingLevelCode = processingLevel.ProcessingLevelCode self.UnitsName = unit.UnitsName self.SamplingFeatureName = sn self.MethodName = method.MethodName self.VariableNameCV = variable.VariableNameCV self.ProcessingLevelDefinition = processingLevel.Definition self.ValueCount = result.ValueCount self.BeginDateTime = action.BeginDateTime self.EndDateTime = action.EndDateTime self.ResultObj = result
[docs]class DetailedAffiliation: def __init__(self, affiliation, person, org): self.AffiliationID = affiliation.AffiliationID self.Name = person.PersonFirstName + ' ' + person.PersonLastName self.Organization = '(' + org.OrganizationCode + ') ' + org.OrganizationName
[docs]class SamplingFeatureDataSet(): datasets = {} related_features = {} def __init__(self, samplingfeature, datasetresults, relatedfeatures): sf = samplingfeature self.SamplingFeatureID = sf.SamplingFeatureID self.SamplingFeatureUUID = sf.SamplingFeatureUUID self.SamplingFeatureTypeCV = sf.SamplingFeatureTypeCV self.SamplingFeatureCode = sf.SamplingFeatureCode self.SamplingFeatureName = sf.SamplingFeatureName self.SamplingFeatureDescription = sf.SamplingFeatureDescription self.SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV = sf.SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV self.Elevation_m = sf.Elevation_m self.ElevationDatumCV = sf.ElevationDatumCV self.FeatureGeometryWKT = sf.FeatureGeometryWKT self.assignDatasets(datasetresults) self.assignRelatedFeatures(relatedfeatures) print(self.datasets)
[docs] def assignDatasets(self, datasetresults): self.datasets = {} if datasetresults: for dsr in datasetresults: if dsr.DataSetObj not in self.datasets: # if the dataset is not in the dictionary, add it and the first result self.datasets[dsr.DataSetObj] = [] res = dsr.ResultObj # res.FeatureActionObj = None self.datasets[dsr.DataSetObj].append(res) else: # if the dataset is in the dictionary, append the result object to the list res = dsr.ResultObj # res.FeatureActionObj = None self.datasets[dsr.DataSetObj].append(res)
[docs] def assignRelatedFeatures(self, relatedfeatures): self.related_features = {} if relatedfeatures: for related in relatedfeatures: if related.SamplingFeatureTypeCV == 'Site': self.related_features = related
[docs]class ReadODM2(serviceBase): def _get_columns(self, model): """Internal helper function to get a dictionary of a model column properties. Args: model (object): Sqlalchemy object, Ex. ODM2 model. Returns: dict: Dictionary of column properties Ex. {'resultid': 'ResultID'} """ from import ColumnProperty columns = [(prop.key.lower(), prop.key) for prop in model.__mapper__.iterate_properties if isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty)] return dict(columns) def _check_kwargs(self, args, kwargs): """Internal helper function to check for unused keyword arguments Args: args (list): List of expected, valid arguments. kwargs (dict): Dictionary of keyword arguments from user Returns: None """ invkwd = filter(lambda x: x not in args, kwargs.keys()) if invkwd: warnings.warn('Got unexpected keyword argument(s) {}'.format(','.join(invkwd)), stacklevel=2) # Exists functions
[docs] def resultExists(self, result): """ Check to see if a Result Object exists * Pass Result Object - return a boolean value of wether the given object exists """ try: ret = self._session.query(exists().where(Results.ResultTypeCV == result.ResultTypeCV) .where(Results.VariableID == result.VariableID) .where(Results.UnitsID == result.UnitsID) .where(Results.ProcessingLevelID == result.ProcessingLevelID) .where(Results.SampledMediumCV == result.SampledMediumCV) ) return ret.scalar() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# Annotations
[docs] def getAnnotations(self, annottype=None, codes=None, ids=None, **kwargs): """ * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects * Pass AnnotationTypeCV - return a list of all objects of the fiven type * Pass a list of codes - return a list of objects, one for each of the given codes * Pass a list of ids -return a list of objects, one for each of the given ids """ # TODO What keywords do I use for type. a = Annotations self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs) if 'type' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the annottype parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) annottype = kwargs['type'] if annottype: if annottype == 'action': a = ActionAnnotations elif annottype == 'categoricalresultvalue': a = CategoricalResultValueAnnotations elif annottype == 'equipmentannotation': a = EquipmentAnnotations elif annottype == 'measurementresultvalue': a = MeasurementResultValueAnnotations elif annottype == 'method': a = MethodAnnotations elif annottype == 'pointcoverageresultvalue': a = PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations elif annottype == 'profileresultvalue': a = ProfileResultValueAnnotations elif annottype == 'result': a = ResultAnnotations elif annottype == 'samplingfeature': a = SamplingFeatureAnnotations elif annottype == 'sectionresultvalue': a = SectionResultValueAnnotations elif annottype == 'spectraresultvalue': a = SpectraResultValueAnnotations elif annottype == 'timeseriesresultvalue': a = TimeSeriesResultValueAnnotations elif annottype == 'trajectoryresultvalue': a = TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations elif annottype == 'transectresultvalue': a = TransectResultValueAnnotations try: query = self._session.query(a) if codes: query = query.filter(Annotations.AnnotationCode.in_(codes)) if ids: query = query.filter(Annotations.AnnotationID.in_(ids)) return query.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# CV
[docs] def getCVs(self, cvtype, **kwargs): """ getCVs(self, type): * Pass CVType - return a list of all objects of the given type """ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs) if 'type' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the cvtype parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) cvtype = kwargs['type'] if cvtype == 'actiontype': CV = CVActionType elif cvtype == 'aggregationstatistic': CV = CVAggregationStatistic elif cvtype == 'annotationtype': CV = CVAnnotationType elif cvtype == 'censorcode': CV = CVCensorCode elif cvtype == 'dataqualitytype': CV = CVDataQualityType elif cvtype == 'dataset type': CV = CVDataSetType elif cvtype == 'Directive Type': CV = CVDirectiveType elif cvtype == 'Elevation Datum': CV = CVElevationDatum elif cvtype == 'Equipment Type': CV = CVEquipmentType elif cvtype == 'Medium': CV = CVMediumType elif cvtype == 'Method Type': CV = CVMethodType elif cvtype == 'Organization Type': CV = CVOrganizationType elif cvtype == 'Property Data Type': CV = CVPropertyDataType elif cvtype == 'Quality Code': CV = CVQualityCode elif cvtype == 'Relationship Type': CV = CVRelationshipType elif cvtype == 'Result Type': CV = CVResultType elif cvtype == 'Sampling Feature Geo-type': CV = CVSamplingFeatureGeoType elif cvtype == 'Sampling Feature Type': CV = CVSamplingFeatureType elif cvtype == 'Site Type': CV = CVSiteType elif cvtype == 'Spatial Offset Type': CV = CVSpatialOffsetType elif cvtype == 'Speciation': CV = CVSpeciation elif cvtype == 'Specimen Type': CV = CVSpecimenType elif cvtype == 'Status': CV = CVStatus elif cvtype == 'Taxonomic Classifier Type': CV = CVTaxonomicClassifierType elif cvtype == 'Units Type': CV = CVUnitsType elif cvtype == 'Variable Name': CV = CVVariableName elif cvtype == 'Variable Type': CV = CVVariableType else: return None try: return self._session.query(CV).all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
# Core
[docs] def getDetailedAffiliationInfo(self): """ * Pass Nothing - Return a list of all Affiliations with detailed information, including Affiliation, People and Organization """ q = self._session.query(Affiliations, People, Organizations) \ .filter(Affiliations.PersonID == People.PersonID) \ .filter(Affiliations.OrganizationID == Organizations.OrganizationID) affiliationList = [] for a, p, o in q.all(): detailedAffiliation = DetailedAffiliation(a, p, o) affiliationList.append(detailedAffiliation) return affiliationList
[docs] def getDetailedResultInfo(self, resultTypeCV=None, resultID=None, sfID=None): # TODO can this be done by just getting the result object and drilling down? # What is the performance comparison. """ Get detailed information for all selected Results including , unit info, site info, method info , ProcessingLevel info. * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects * Pass resultTypeCV - All objects of given type * Pass a result ID - single object with the given result ID * Pass a SamplingFeatureID - All objects associated with the given sampling feature. """ q = self._session.query( Actions, Results, SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode, SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureName, Methods, Variables, ProcessingLevels, Units).filter(Results.VariableID == Variables.VariableID) \ .filter(Results.UnitsID == Units.UnitsID) \ .filter(Results.FeatureActionID == FeatureActions.FeatureActionID) \ .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID) \ .filter(FeatureActions.ActionID == Actions.ActionID) \ .filter(Actions.MethodID == Methods.MethodID) \ .filter(Results.ProcessingLevelID == ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelID) \ .filter(Results.ResultTypeCV == resultTypeCV) \ .order_by(Results.ResultID) resultList = [] if sfID: q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID == sfID) if resultID: q = q.filter(Results.ResultID == resultID) for a, r, sc, sn, m, v, p, u in q.all(): detailedResult = DetailedResult( a, r, sc, sn, m, v, p, u ) resultList.append(detailedResult) return resultList
# Taxonomic Classifiers
[docs] def getTaxonomicClassifiers(self): """ getTaxonomicClassifiers(self): * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(TaxonomicClassifiers).all()
# Variable
[docs] def getVariables(self, ids=None, codes=None, sitecode=None, results=False): """ * Pass nothing - returns full list of variable objects * Pass a list of VariableID - returns a single variable object * Pass a list of VariableCode - returns a single variable object * Pass a SiteCode - returns a list of Variable objects that are collected at the given site. * Pass whether or not you want to return the sampling features that have results associated with them """ if sitecode: try: variables = [ x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(Results.VariableID)) .filter(Results.FeatureActionID == FeatureActions.FeatureActionID) .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID) .filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode == sitecode).all() ] if ids: ids = list(set(ids).intersection(variables)) else: ids = variables except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) pass if results: try: variables = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(Results.VariableID)).all()] if ids: ids = list(set(ids).intersection(variables)) else: ids = variables except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) pass query = self._session.query(Variables) if ids: query = query.filter(Variables.VariableID.in_(ids)) if codes: query = query.filter(Variables.VariableCode.in_(codes)) try: return query.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# Method
[docs] def getMethods(self, ids=None, codes=None, methodtype=None, **kwargs): """ * Pass nothing - returns full list of method objects * Pass a list of MethodIDs - returns a single method object for each given id * Pass a list of MethodCode - returns a single method object for each given code * Pass a MethodType - returns a list of method objects of the given MethodType """ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs) if 'type' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the medtype parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) methodtype = kwargs['type'] q = self._session.query(Methods) if ids: q = q.filter(Methods.MethodID.in_(ids)) if codes: q = q.filter(Methods.MethodCode.in_(codes)) if methodtype: q = q.filter_by(MethodTypeCV=methodtype) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# ProcessingLevel
[docs] def getProcessingLevels(self, ids=None, codes=None): """ Retrieve a list of Processing Levels If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None, all Processing Levels objects in the database will be returned. Args: ids (list, optional): List of Processing Levels IDs. codes (list, optional): List of Processing Levels Codes. Returns: list: List of ProcessingLevels Objects Examples: >>> READ = ReadODM2(SESSION_FACTORY) >>> READ.getProcessingLevels(ids=[1, 3]) >>> READ.getProcessingLevels(codes=['L1', 'L3']) """ q = self._session.query(ProcessingLevels) if ids: q = q.filter(ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelID.in_(ids)) if codes: q = q.filter(ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelCode.in_(codes)) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# Sampling Feature
[docs] def getSamplingFeatures(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, sftype=None, wkt=None, results=False, **kwargs): """Retrieve a list of Sampling Feature objects. If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None, all Sampling Feature objects in the database will be returned. Args: ids (list, optional): List of SamplingFeatureIDs. codes (list, optional): List of SamplingFeature Codes. uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string. sftype (str, optional): Type of Sampling Feature from `controlled vocabulary name <>`_. wkt (str, optional): SamplingFeature Well Known Text. results (bool, optional): Whether or not you want to return only the sampling features that have results associated with them. Returns: list: List of Sampling Feature objects Examples: >>> READ = ReadODM2(SESSION_FACTORY) >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(ids=[39, 40]) >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD']) >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202', ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4']) >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(type='Site') >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(wkt='POINT (30 10)') >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(results=True) >>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(type='Site', results=True) """ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs) if 'type' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the sftype parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) sftype = kwargs['type'] if results: try: fas = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(Results.FeatureActionID)).all()] except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None sf = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID)).filter(FeatureActions.FeatureActionID.in_(fas)).all()] # noqa if ids: ids = list(set(ids).intersection(sf)) else: ids = sf q = self._session.query(SamplingFeatures) if sftype: q = q.filter_by(SamplingFeatureTypeCV=sftype) if ids: q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID.in_(ids)) if codes: q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode.in_(codes)) if uuids: q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureUUID.in_(uuids)) if wkt: q = q.filter_by(FeatureGeometryWKT=wkt) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
[docs] def getRelatedSamplingFeatures(self, sfid=None, rfid=None, relationshiptype=None): # TODO: add functionality to filter by code """ * Pass a SamplingFeatureID - get a list of sampling feature objects related to the input sampling feature * Pass a RelatedFeatureID - get a list of Sampling features objects through the related feature * Pass a RelationshipTypeCV - get a list of sampling feature objects with the given type """ sf = self._session.query(distinct(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID)) \ .select_from(RelatedFeatures) if sfid: sf = sf.join(RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureObj).filter(RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureID == sfid) if rfid: sf = sf.join(RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureObj).filter(RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureID == rfid) if relationshiptype: sf = sf.filter(RelatedFeatures.RelationshipTypeCV == relationshiptype) try: sfids = [x[0] for x in sf.all()] if len(sfids) > 0: sflist = self.getSamplingFeatures(ids=sfids) return sflist except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# Action
[docs] def getActions(self, ids=None, acttype=None, sfid=None, **kwargs): """ * Pass nothing - returns a list of all Actions * Pass a list of Action ids - returns a list of Action objects * Pass a ActionTypeCV - returns a list of Action objects of that type * Pass a SamplingFeature ID - returns a list of Action objects associated with that Sampling feature ID, Found through featureAction table """ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs) if 'type' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the acttype parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) acttype = kwargs['type'] a = Actions if acttype == 'equipment': a = EquipmentActions elif acttype == 'calibration': a = CalibrationActions elif acttype == 'maintenance': a = MaintenanceActions q = self._session.query(a) if ids: q = q.filter(a.ActionID.in_(ids)) if sfid: q = q.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sfid) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
[docs] def getRelatedActions(self, actionid=None): """ * Pass an ActionID - get a list of Action objects related to the input action along with the relationship type """ q = self._session.query(Actions).select_from(RelatedActions).join(RelatedActions.RelatedActionObj) if actionid: q = q.filter(RelatedActions.ActionID == actionid) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# Unit
[docs] def getUnits(self, ids=None, name=None, unittype=None, **kwargs): """ * Pass nothing - returns a list of all units objects * Pass a list of UnitsID - returns a single units object for the given id * Pass UnitsName - returns a single units object * Pass a type- returns a list of all objects of the given type """ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs) if 'type' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the unittype parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) unittype = kwargs['type'] q = self._session.query(Units) if ids: q = q.filter(Units.UnitsID.in_(ids)) if name: q = q.filter(Units.UnitsName.ilike(name)) if unittype: q = q.filter(Units.UnitsTypeCV.ilike(unittype)) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# Organization
[docs] def getOrganizations(self, ids=None, codes=None): """ * Pass nothing - returns a list of all organization objects * Pass a list of OrganizationID - returns a single organization object * Pass a list of OrganizationCode - returns a single organization object """ q = self._session.query(Organizations) if ids: q = q.filter(Organizations.OrganizationID.in_(ids)) if codes: q = q.filter(Organizations.OrganizationCode.in_(codes)) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# Person
[docs] def getPeople(self, ids=None, firstname=None, lastname=None): """ * Pass nothing - returns a list of all People objects * Pass a list of PeopleID - returns a single People object * Pass a First Name - returns a single People object * Pass a Last Name - returns a single People object """ q = self._session.query(People) if ids: q = q.filter(People.PersonID.in_(ids)) if firstname: q = q.filter(People.PersonFirstName.ilike(firstname)) if lastname: q = q.filter(People.PersonLastName.ilike(lastname)) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
[docs] def getAffiliations(self, ids=None, personfirst=None, personlast=None, orgcode=None): """Retrieve a list of Affiliation objects. If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None, all Affiliation objects in the database will be returned. Args: ids (list, optional): List of AffiliationIDs. personfirst (str, optional): Person First Name. personlast (str, optional): Person Last Name. orgcode (str, optional): Organization Code. Returns: list: List of Affiliation objects Examples: >>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(ids=[39,40]) >>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(personfirst='John', ... personlast='Smith') >>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(orgcode='Acme') """ q = self._session.query(Affiliations) if ids: q = q.filter(Affiliations.AffiliationID.in_(ids)) if orgcode: q = q.join(Affiliations.OrganizationObj).filter(Organizations.OrganizationCode.ilike(orgcode)) if personfirst: q = q.join(Affiliations.PersonObj).filter(People.PersonFirstName.ilike(personfirst)) if personlast: q = q.join(Affiliations.PersonObj).filter(People.PersonLastName.ilike(personlast)) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# Results
[docs] def getResults(self, ids=None, restype=None, uuids=None, actionid=None, simulationid=None, variableid=None, siteid=None, sfids=None, sfuuids=None, sfcodes=None, **kwargs): # TODO what if user sends in both type and actionid vs just actionid """Retrieve a list of Result objects. If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None, all Result objects in the database will be returned. Args: ids (list, optional): List of ResultIDs. restype (str, optional): Type of Result from `controlled vocabulary name <>`_. uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string. actionid (int, optional): ActionID. simulationid (int, optional): SimulationID. variableid (int, optional): VariableID. siteid (int, optional): SiteID. - goes through related features table and finds all of results recorded at the given site sfids(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature IDs integer. sfuuids(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature UUIDs string. sfcodes=(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature codes string. Returns: list: List of Result objects Examples: >>> ReadODM2.getResults(ids=[39,40]) >>> ReadODM2.getResults(restype='Time series coverage') >>> ReadODM2.getResults(sfids=[65]) >>> ReadODM2.getResults(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202', ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4']) >>> ReadODM2.getResults(simulationid=50) >>> ReadODM2.getResults(siteid=6) >>> ReadODM2.getResults(variableid=7) >>> ReadODM2.getResults(actionid=20) """ query = self._session.query(Results) self._check_kwargs(['type', 'sfid'], kwargs) if 'type' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the restype parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) restype = kwargs['type'] if restype: query = query.filter_by(ResultTypeCV=restype) if variableid: query = query.filter_by(VariableID=variableid) if ids: query = query.filter(Results.ResultID.in_(ids)) if uuids: query = query.filter(Results.ResultUUID.in_(uuids)) if simulationid: query = query.join(FeatureActions) \ .join(Actions) \ .join(Simulations) \ .filter_by(SimulationID=simulationid) if actionid: query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter_by(ActionID=actionid) if 'sfid' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'sfid' is deprecated. " + "Please use the sfids parameter instead and send in a list.", # noqa DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if kwargs['sfid']: query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter_by(SamplingFeatureID=kwargs['sfid']) if sfids or sfcodes or sfuuids: sf_list = self.getSamplingFeatures(ids=sfids, codes=sfcodes, uuids=sfuuids) sfids = [] for sf in sf_list: sfids.append(sf.SamplingFeatureID) query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID.in_(sfids)) if siteid: sfids = [x[0] for x in self._session.query( distinct(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID)) .select_from(RelatedFeatures) .join(RelatedFeatures.SamplingFeatureObj) .filter(RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureID == siteid) .all() ] # TODO does this code do the same thing as the code above? # sf_list = self.getRelatedSamplingFeatures(rfid=siteid) # sfids = [] # for sf in sf_list: # sfids.append(sf.SamplingFeatureID) query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID.in_(sfids)) try: return query.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# Datasets
[docs] def getDataSets(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None): """ Retrieve a list of Datasets Args: ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs. codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes. uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string. dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from `controlled vocabulary name <>`_. Returns: list: List of DataSets Objects Examples: >>> READ = ReadODM2(SESSION_FACTORY) >>> READ.getDataSets(ids=[39, 40]) >>> READ.getDataSets(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD']) >>> READ.getDataSets(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202', ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4']) >>> READ.getDataSets(dstype='singleTimeSeries') """ q = self._session.query(DataSets) if ids: q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetID.in_(ids)) if codes: q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetCode.in_(codes)) if uuids: q.filter(DataSets.DataSetUUID.in_(uuids)) if dstype: q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetTypeCV == dstype) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query {}'.format(e)) return None
# Datasets
[docs] def getDataSetsResults(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None): """ Retrieve a detailed list of Datasets along with detailed metadata about the datasets and the results contained within them **Must specify either DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode)** Args: ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs. codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes. uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string. dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from `controlled vocabulary name <>`_. Returns: list: List of DataSetsResults Objects Examples: >>> READ = ReadODM2(SESSION_FACTORY) >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(ids=[39, 40]) >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD']) >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202', ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4']) >>> READ.getDataSetsResults(dstype='singleTimeSeries') """ # make sure one of the three arguments has been sent in if all(v is None for v in [ids, codes, uuids]): raise ValueError('Expected DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode argument') q = self._session.query(DataSetsResults) \ .join(DataSets) if ids: q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetID.in_(ids)) if codes: q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetCode.in_(codes)) if uuids: q.filter(DataSets.DataSetUUID.in_(uuids)) if dstype: q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetTypeCV == dstype) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query {}'.format(e)) return None
[docs] def getDataSetsValues(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None, lowercols=True): """ Retrieve a list of datavalues associated with the given dataset info **Must specify either DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode)** Args: ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs. codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes. uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string. dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from `controlled vocabulary name <>`_. lowercols (bool, optional): Make column names to be lowercase. Default to True. **Please start upgrading your code to rely on CamelCase column names, In a near-future release, the default will be changed to False, and later the parameter may be removed**. Returns: list: List of Result Values Objects Examples: >>> READ = ReadODM2(SESSION_FACTORY) >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(ids=[39, 40]) >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD']) >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202', ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4']) >>> READ.getDataSetsValues(dstype='singleTimeSeries', lowercols=False) """ dsr = self.getDataSetsResults(ids, codes, uuids, dstype) resids = [] for ds in dsr: resids.append(ds.ResultID) try: return self.getResultValues(resultids=resids, lowercols=lowercols) except Exception as e: print('Error running Query {}'.format(e)) return None
[docs] def getSamplingFeatureDatasets(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None, sftype=None): """ Retrieve a list of Datasets associated with the given sampling feature data. **Must specify either samplingFeatureID OR samplingFeatureUUID OR samplingFeatureCode)** Args: ids (list, optional): List of SamplingFeatureIDs. codes (list, optional): List of SamplingFeature Codes. uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string. dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from `controlled vocabulary name <>`_. sftype (str, optional): Type of SamplingFeature from `controlled vocabulary name <>`_. Returns: list: List of DataSetsResults Objects associated with the given sampling feature Examples: >>> READ = ReadODM2(SESSION_FACTORY) >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(ids=[39, 40]) >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD']) >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202', ... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4']) >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(dstype='singleTimeSeries') >>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(sftype='Specimen') """ # make sure one of the three arguments has been sent in if all(v is None for v in [ids, codes, uuids, sftype]): raise ValueError( 'Expected samplingFeatureID OR samplingFeatureUUID ' 'OR samplingFeatureCode OR samplingFeatureType ' 'argument') sf_query = self._session.query(SamplingFeatures) if sftype: sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureTypeCV == sftype) if ids: sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID.in_(ids)) if codes: sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode.in_(codes)) if uuids: sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureUUID.in_(uuids)) sf_list = [] for sf in sf_query.all(): sf_list.append(sf) try: sfds = [] for sf in sf_list: # Eager loading the data. q = self._session.query(DataSetsResults)\ .join(DataSetsResults.ResultObj)\ .join(Results.FeatureActionObj)\ .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sf.SamplingFeatureID)\ .options(contains_eager(DataSetsResults.ResultObj) .contains_eager(Results.FeatureActionObj) .load_only(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID)) if dstype: q = q.filter_by(DatasetTypeCV=dstype) vals = q.all() related = self.getRelatedSamplingFeatures(sf.SamplingFeatureID) sfds.append(SamplingFeatureDataSet(sf, vals, related)) except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None return sfds
# Data Quality
[docs] def getDataQuality(self): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(DataQuality).all()
# TODO DataQuality Schema Queries
[docs] def getReferenceMaterials(self): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(ReferenceMaterials).all()
[docs] def getReferenceMaterialValues(self): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(ReferenceMaterialValues).all()
[docs] def getResultNormalizationValues(self): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(ResultNormalizationValues).all()
[docs] def getResultsDataQuality(self): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(ResultsDataQuality).all()
# TODO Equipment Schema Queries # Equipment
[docs] def getEquipment(self, codes=None, equiptype=None, sfid=None, actionid=None, **kwargs): """ * Pass nothing - returns a list of all Equipment objects * Pass a list of EquipmentCodes- return a list of all Equipment objects that match each of the codes * Pass a EquipmentType - returns a single Equipment object * Pass a SamplingFeatureID - returns a single Equipment object * Pass an ActionID - returns a single Equipment object """ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs) if 'type' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the equiptype parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) equiptype = kwargs['type'] # NOTE: Equiptype currently unused! if equiptype: pass e = self._session.query(Equipment) if sfid: e = e.join(EquipmentUsed) \ .join(Actions) \ .join(FeatureActions) \ .filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sfid) if codes: e = e.filter(Equipment.EquipmentCode.in_(codes)) if actionid: e = e.join(EquipmentUsed).join(Actions) \ .filter(Actions.ActionID == actionid) return e.all()
[docs] def CalibrationReferenceEquipment(self): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(CalibrationReferenceEquipment).all()
[docs] def CalibrationStandards(self): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(CalibrationStandards).all()
[docs] def DataloggerFileColumns(self): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(DataLoggerFileColumns).all()
[docs] def DataLoggerFiles(self): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(DataLoggerFiles).all()
[docs] def DataloggerProgramFiles(self): """ * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(DataLoggerProgramFiles).all()
[docs] def EquipmentModels(self): """ * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(EquipmentModels).all()
[docs] def EquipmentUsed(self): """ * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(EquipmentUsed).all()
[docs] def InstrumentOutputVariables(self, modelid=None, variableid=None): """ * Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects * Pass ModelID * Pass VariableID """ i = self._session.query(InstrumentOutputVariables) if modelid: i = i.filter_by(ModelID=modelid) if variableid: i = i.filter_by(VariableID=variableid) return i.all()
[docs] def RelatedEquipment(self, code=None): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects * Pass code- return a single object with the given code """ r = self._session.query(RelatedEquipment) if code: r = r.filter_by(EquipmentCode=code) return r.all()
# Extension Properties
[docs] def getExtensionProperties(self, exptype=None, **kwargs): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects * Pass type- return a list of all objects of the given type """ # Todo what values to use for extensionproperties type self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs) if 'type' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the exptype parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) exptype = kwargs['type'] e = ExtensionProperties if exptype == 'action': e = ActionExtensionPropertyValues elif exptype == 'citation': e = CitationExtensionPropertyValues elif exptype == 'method': e = MethodExtensionPropertyValues elif exptype == 'result': e = ResultExtensionPropertyValues elif exptype == 'samplingfeature': e = SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues elif exptype == 'variable': e = VariableExtensionPropertyValues try: return self._session.query(e).all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# External Identifiers
[docs] def getExternalIdentifiers(self, eitype=None, **kwargs): """ * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects * Pass type- return a list of all objects of the given type """ self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs) if 'type' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the eitype parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) eitype = kwargs['type'] e = ExternalIdentifierSystems if eitype.lowercase == 'citation': e = CitationExternalIdentifiers elif eitype == 'method': e = MethodExternalIdentifiers elif eitype == 'person': e = PersonExternalIdentifiers elif eitype == 'referencematerial': e = ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers elif eitype == 'samplingfeature': e = SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers elif eitype == 'spatialreference': e = SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers elif eitype == 'taxonomicclassifier': e = TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers elif eitype == 'variable': e = VariableExternalIdentifiers try: return self._session.query(e).all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# TODO functions for Lab Analyses # Lab Analyses
[docs] def getDirectives(self): """ getDirectives(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(Directives).all()
[docs] def getActionDirectives(self): """ getActionDirectives(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(ActionDirectives).all()
[docs] def getSpecimenBatchPositions(self): """ getSpecimenBatchPositions(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(SpecimenBatchPositions).all()
# TODO functions for Provenance # Provenance
[docs] def getAuthorLists(self): """ getAuthorLists(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(AuthorLists).all()
[docs] def getDatasetCitations(self): """ getDatasetCitations(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(DataSetCitations).all()
[docs] def getDerivationEquations(self): """ getDerivationEquations(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(DerivationEquations).all()
[docs] def getMethodCitations(self): """ getMethodCitations(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(MethodCitations).all()
[docs] def getRelatedAnnotations(self): """ getRelatedAnnotations(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(RelatedAnnotations).all()
[docs] def getRelatedCitations(self): """ getRelatedCitations(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(RelatedCitations).all()
[docs] def getRelatedDatasets(self): """ getRelatedDatasets(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(RelatedDataSets).all()
[docs] def getRelatedResults(self): """ getRelatedResults(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(RelatedResults).all()
[docs] def getResultDerivationEquations(self): """ getResultDerivationEquations(self) * Pass nothing - return a list of all objects """ return self._session.query(ResultDerivationEquations).all()
[docs] def getResultValues(self, resultids, starttime=None, endtime=None, lowercols=True): """ Retrieve result values associated with the given result. **The resultids must be associated with the same result type** Args: resultids (list): List of SamplingFeatureIDs. starttime (object, optional): Start time to filter by as datetime object. endtime (object, optional): End time to filter by as datetime object. lowercols (bool, optional): Make column names to be lowercase. Default to True. **Please start upgrading your code to rely on CamelCase column names, In a near-future release, the default will be changed to False, and later the parameter may be removed**. Returns: DataFrame: Pandas dataframe of result values. Examples: >>> READ = ReadODM2(SESSION_FACTORY) >>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[10, 11]) >>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[100, 20, 34], >>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[1, 2, 3, 4], >>> starttime=datetime(2000, 01, 01), >>> endtime=datetime(2003, 02, 01), lowercols=False) """ restype = self._session.query(Results).filter_by(ResultID=resultids[0]).first().ResultTypeCV ResultValues = TimeSeriesResultValues if 'categorical' in restype.lower(): ResultValues = CategoricalResultValues elif 'measurement' in restype.lower(): ResultValues = MeasurementResultValues elif 'point' in restype.lower(): ResultValues = PointCoverageResultValues elif 'profile' in restype.lower(): ResultValues = ProfileResultValues elif 'section' in restype.lower(): ResultValues = SectionResults elif 'spectra' in restype.lower(): ResultValues = SpectraResultValues elif 'time' in restype.lower(): ResultValues = TimeSeriesResultValues elif 'trajectory' in restype.lower(): ResultValues = TrajectoryResultValues elif 'transect' in restype.lower(): ResultValues = TransectResultValues q = self._session.query(ResultValues).filter(ResultValues.ResultID.in_(resultids)) if starttime: q = q.filter(ResultValues.ValueDateTime >= starttime) if endtime: q = q.filter(ResultValues.ValueDateTime <= endtime) try: # F841 local variable 'vals' is assigned to but never used # vals = q.order_by(ResultType.ValueDateTime) query = q.statement.compile(dialect=self._session_factory.engine.dialect) df = pd.read_sql_query( sql=query, con=self._session_factory.engine, params=query.params ) if not lowercols: df.columns = [self._get_columns(ResultValues)[c] for c in df.columns] else: warnings.warn( "In a near-future release, " + # noqa "the parameter 'lowercols' default will be changed to False, " + "and later the parameter may be removed.", # noqa DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return df except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# SamplingFeatures # Site
[docs] def getSpatialReferences(self, srsCodes=None): """ getSpatialReferences(self, srsCodes=None) * Pass nothing - return a list of all Spatial References * Pass in a list of SRS Codes- """ q = self._session.query(SpatialReferences) if srsCodes: q.filter(SpatialReferences.SRSCode.in_(srsCodes)) try: return q.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
# Simulation
[docs] def getSimulations(self, name=None, actionid=None): """ getSimulations(self, name=None, actionid=None) * Pass nothing - get a list of all converter simuation objects * Pass a SimulationName - get a single simulation object * Pass an ActionID - get a single simulation object """ s = self._session.query(Simulations) if name: s = s.filter(Simulations.SimulationName.ilike(name)) if actionid: s = s.filter_by(ActionID=actionid) try: return s.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
[docs] def getModels(self, codes=None): """ getModels(self, codes=None) * Pass nothing - return a list of all Model Objects * Pass a list of ModelCodes - get a list of converter objects related to the converter having ModeCode """ m = self._session.query(Models) if codes: m = m.filter(Models.ModelCode.in_(codes)) try: return m.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None
[docs] def getRelatedModels(self, modid=None, code=None, **kwargs): """ getRelatedModels(self, id=None, code=None) * Pass a ModelID - get a list of converter objects related to the converter having ModelID * Pass a ModelCode - get a list of converter objects related to the converter having ModeCode """ self._check_kwargs(['id'], kwargs) if 'id' in kwargs: warnings.warn("The parameter 'id' is deprecated. Please use the modid parameter instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) modid = kwargs['id'] m = self._session.query(Models).select_from(RelatedModels).join(RelatedModels.ModelObj) if modid: m = m.filter(RelatedModels.ModelID == modid) if code: m = m.filter(Models.ModelCode == code) try: return m.all() except Exception as e: print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e)) return None