from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
import warnings
from odm2api import serviceBase
from odm2api.models import (
ActionAnnotations, ActionDirectives, ActionExtensionPropertyValues, Actions,
Affiliations, Annotations, AuthorLists, CVActionType, CVAggregationStatistic,
CVAnnotationType, CVCensorCode, CVDataQualityType, CVDataSetType, CVDirectiveType,
CVElevationDatum, CVEquipmentType, CVMediumType, CVMethodType, CVOrganizationType,
CVPropertyDataType, CVQualityCode, CVRelationshipType, CVResultType, CVSamplingFeatureGeoType,
CVSamplingFeatureType, CVSiteType, CVSpatialOffsetType, CVSpeciation, CVSpecimenType,
CVStatus, CVTaxonomicClassifierType, CVUnitsType, CVVariableName, CVVariableType,
CalibrationActions, CalibrationReferenceEquipment, CalibrationStandards,
CategoricalResultValueAnnotations, CategoricalResultValues, CitationExtensionPropertyValues,
CitationExternalIdentifiers, DataLoggerFileColumns, DataLoggerFiles, DataLoggerProgramFiles,
DataQuality, DataSetCitations, DataSets, DataSetsResults, DerivationEquations, Directives, Equipment,
EquipmentActions, EquipmentAnnotations, EquipmentModels, EquipmentUsed, ExtensionProperties,
ExternalIdentifierSystems, FeatureActions, InstrumentOutputVariables, MaintenanceActions,
MeasurementResultValueAnnotations, MeasurementResultValues, MethodAnnotations,
MethodCitations, MethodExtensionPropertyValues, MethodExternalIdentifiers,
Methods, Models, Organizations, People, PersonExternalIdentifiers,
PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations, PointCoverageResultValues, ProcessingLevels,
ProfileResultValueAnnotations, ProfileResultValues, ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers,
ReferenceMaterialValues, ReferenceMaterials, RelatedActions, RelatedAnnotations,
RelatedCitations, RelatedDataSets, RelatedEquipment, RelatedFeatures, RelatedModels,
RelatedResults, ResultAnnotations, ResultDerivationEquations, ResultExtensionPropertyValues,
ResultNormalizationValues, Results, ResultsDataQuality, SamplingFeatureAnnotations,
SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues, SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers,
SamplingFeatures, SectionResultValueAnnotations, SectionResults, Simulations,
SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers, SpatialReferences, SpecimenBatchPositions,
SpectraResultValueAnnotations, SpectraResultValues, TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers,
TaxonomicClassifiers, TimeSeriesResultValueAnnotations, TimeSeriesResultValues,
TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations, TrajectoryResultValues,
TransectResultValueAnnotations, TransectResultValues, Units, VariableExtensionPropertyValues,
VariableExternalIdentifiers, Variables,
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import distinct, exists
from sqlalchemy.orm import contains_eager
__author__ = 'sreeder'
[docs]class DetailedResult:
def __init__(self, action, result,
sc, sn,
method, variable,
# result.result_id etc.
self.ResultID = result.ResultID
self.SamplingFeatureCode = sc
self.MethodCode = method.MethodCode
self.VariableCode = variable.VariableCode
self.ProcessingLevelCode = processingLevel.ProcessingLevelCode
self.UnitsName = unit.UnitsName
self.SamplingFeatureName = sn
self.MethodName = method.MethodName
self.VariableNameCV = variable.VariableNameCV
self.ProcessingLevelDefinition = processingLevel.Definition
self.ValueCount = result.ValueCount
self.BeginDateTime = action.BeginDateTime
self.EndDateTime = action.EndDateTime
self.ResultObj = result
[docs]class DetailedAffiliation:
def __init__(self, affiliation, person, org):
self.AffiliationID = affiliation.AffiliationID
self.Name = person.PersonFirstName + ' ' + person.PersonLastName
self.Organization = '(' + org.OrganizationCode + ') ' + org.OrganizationName
[docs]class SamplingFeatureDataSet():
datasets = {}
related_features = {}
def __init__(self, samplingfeature, datasetresults, relatedfeatures):
sf = samplingfeature
self.SamplingFeatureID = sf.SamplingFeatureID
self.SamplingFeatureUUID = sf.SamplingFeatureUUID
self.SamplingFeatureTypeCV = sf.SamplingFeatureTypeCV
self.SamplingFeatureCode = sf.SamplingFeatureCode
self.SamplingFeatureName = sf.SamplingFeatureName
self.SamplingFeatureDescription = sf.SamplingFeatureDescription
self.SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV = sf.SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV
self.Elevation_m = sf.Elevation_m
self.ElevationDatumCV = sf.ElevationDatumCV
self.FeatureGeometryWKT = sf.FeatureGeometryWKT
[docs] def assignDatasets(self, datasetresults):
self.datasets = {}
if datasetresults:
for dsr in datasetresults:
if dsr.DataSetObj not in self.datasets:
# if the dataset is not in the dictionary, add it and the first result
self.datasets[dsr.DataSetObj] = []
res = dsr.ResultObj
# res.FeatureActionObj = None
# if the dataset is in the dictionary, append the result object to the list
res = dsr.ResultObj
# res.FeatureActionObj = None
[docs]class ReadODM2(serviceBase):
def _get_columns(self, model):
"""Internal helper function to get a dictionary of a model column properties.
model (object): Sqlalchemy object, Ex. ODM2 model.
dict: Dictionary of column properties Ex. {'resultid': 'ResultID'}
from import ColumnProperty
columns = [(prop.key.lower(), prop.key) for prop in model.__mapper__.iterate_properties if
isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty)]
return dict(columns)
def _check_kwargs(self, args, kwargs):
"""Internal helper function to check for unused keyword arguments
args (list): List of expected, valid arguments.
kwargs (dict): Dictionary of keyword arguments from user
invkwd = filter(lambda x: x not in args, kwargs.keys())
if invkwd:
warnings.warn('Got unexpected keyword argument(s) {}'.format(','.join(invkwd)), stacklevel=2)
# Exists functions
[docs] def resultExists(self, result):
Check to see if a Result Object exists
* Pass Result Object - return a boolean value of wether the given object exists
ret = self._session.query(exists().where(Results.ResultTypeCV == result.ResultTypeCV)
.where(Results.VariableID == result.VariableID)
.where(Results.UnitsID == result.UnitsID)
.where(Results.ProcessingLevelID == result.ProcessingLevelID)
.where(Results.SampledMediumCV == result.SampledMediumCV)
return ret.scalar()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# Annotations
[docs] def getAnnotations(self, annottype=None, codes=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
* Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
* Pass AnnotationTypeCV - return a list of all objects of the fiven type
* Pass a list of codes - return a list of objects, one for each of the given codes
* Pass a list of ids -return a list of objects, one for each of the given ids
# TODO What keywords do I use for type.
a = Annotations
self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
if 'type' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the annottype parameter instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
annottype = kwargs['type']
if annottype:
if annottype == 'action':
a = ActionAnnotations
elif annottype == 'categoricalresultvalue':
a = CategoricalResultValueAnnotations
elif annottype == 'equipmentannotation':
a = EquipmentAnnotations
elif annottype == 'measurementresultvalue':
a = MeasurementResultValueAnnotations
elif annottype == 'method':
a = MethodAnnotations
elif annottype == 'pointcoverageresultvalue':
a = PointCoverageResultValueAnnotations
elif annottype == 'profileresultvalue':
a = ProfileResultValueAnnotations
elif annottype == 'result':
a = ResultAnnotations
elif annottype == 'samplingfeature':
a = SamplingFeatureAnnotations
elif annottype == 'sectionresultvalue':
a = SectionResultValueAnnotations
elif annottype == 'spectraresultvalue':
a = SpectraResultValueAnnotations
elif annottype == 'timeseriesresultvalue':
a = TimeSeriesResultValueAnnotations
elif annottype == 'trajectoryresultvalue':
a = TrajectoryResultValueAnnotations
elif annottype == 'transectresultvalue':
a = TransectResultValueAnnotations
query = self._session.query(a)
if codes:
query = query.filter(Annotations.AnnotationCode.in_(codes))
if ids:
query = query.filter(Annotations.AnnotationID.in_(ids))
return query.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# CV
[docs] def getCVs(self, cvtype, **kwargs):
getCVs(self, type):
* Pass CVType - return a list of all objects of the given type
self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
if 'type' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the cvtype parameter instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
cvtype = kwargs['type']
if cvtype == 'actiontype':
CV = CVActionType
elif cvtype == 'aggregationstatistic':
CV = CVAggregationStatistic
elif cvtype == 'annotationtype':
CV = CVAnnotationType
elif cvtype == 'censorcode':
CV = CVCensorCode
elif cvtype == 'dataqualitytype':
CV = CVDataQualityType
elif cvtype == 'dataset type':
CV = CVDataSetType
elif cvtype == 'Directive Type':
CV = CVDirectiveType
elif cvtype == 'Elevation Datum':
CV = CVElevationDatum
elif cvtype == 'Equipment Type':
CV = CVEquipmentType
elif cvtype == 'Medium':
CV = CVMediumType
elif cvtype == 'Method Type':
CV = CVMethodType
elif cvtype == 'Organization Type':
CV = CVOrganizationType
elif cvtype == 'Property Data Type':
CV = CVPropertyDataType
elif cvtype == 'Quality Code':
CV = CVQualityCode
elif cvtype == 'Relationship Type':
CV = CVRelationshipType
elif cvtype == 'Result Type':
CV = CVResultType
elif cvtype == 'Sampling Feature Geo-type':
CV = CVSamplingFeatureGeoType
elif cvtype == 'Sampling Feature Type':
CV = CVSamplingFeatureType
elif cvtype == 'Site Type':
CV = CVSiteType
elif cvtype == 'Spatial Offset Type':
CV = CVSpatialOffsetType
elif cvtype == 'Speciation':
CV = CVSpeciation
elif cvtype == 'Specimen Type':
CV = CVSpecimenType
elif cvtype == 'Status':
CV = CVStatus
elif cvtype == 'Taxonomic Classifier Type':
CV = CVTaxonomicClassifierType
elif cvtype == 'Units Type':
CV = CVUnitsType
elif cvtype == 'Variable Name':
CV = CVVariableName
elif cvtype == 'Variable Type':
CV = CVVariableType
return None
return self._session.query(CV).all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
# Core
[docs] def getDetailedAffiliationInfo(self):
* Pass Nothing - Return a list of all Affiliations with detailed information,
including Affiliation, People and Organization
q = self._session.query(Affiliations, People, Organizations) \
.filter(Affiliations.PersonID == People.PersonID) \
.filter(Affiliations.OrganizationID == Organizations.OrganizationID)
affiliationList = []
for a, p, o in q.all():
detailedAffiliation = DetailedAffiliation(a, p, o)
return affiliationList
[docs] def getDetailedResultInfo(self, resultTypeCV=None, resultID=None, sfID=None):
# TODO can this be done by just getting the result object and drilling down?
# What is the performance comparison.
Get detailed information for all selected Results including , unit info, site info,
method info , ProcessingLevel info.
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
* Pass resultTypeCV - All objects of given type
* Pass a result ID - single object with the given result ID
* Pass a SamplingFeatureID - All objects associated with the given sampling feature.
q = self._session.query(
Units).filter(Results.VariableID == Variables.VariableID) \
.filter(Results.UnitsID == Units.UnitsID) \
.filter(Results.FeatureActionID == FeatureActions.FeatureActionID) \
.filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID) \
.filter(FeatureActions.ActionID == Actions.ActionID) \
.filter(Actions.MethodID == Methods.MethodID) \
.filter(Results.ProcessingLevelID == ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelID) \
.filter(Results.ResultTypeCV == resultTypeCV) \
resultList = []
if sfID:
q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID == sfID)
if resultID:
q = q.filter(Results.ResultID == resultID)
for a, r, sc, sn, m, v, p, u in q.all():
detailedResult = DetailedResult(
a, r, sc, sn, m, v, p, u
return resultList
# Taxonomic Classifiers
[docs] def getTaxonomicClassifiers(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(TaxonomicClassifiers).all()
# Variable
[docs] def getVariables(self, ids=None, codes=None, sitecode=None, results=False):
* Pass nothing - returns full list of variable objects
* Pass a list of VariableID - returns a single variable object
* Pass a list of VariableCode - returns a single variable object
* Pass a SiteCode - returns a list of Variable objects that are collected at the given site.
* Pass whether or not you want to return the sampling features that have results associated with them
if sitecode:
variables = [
x[0] for x in
.filter(Results.FeatureActionID == FeatureActions.FeatureActionID)
.filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID)
.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode == sitecode).all()
if ids:
ids = list(set(ids).intersection(variables))
ids = variables
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
if results:
variables = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(Results.VariableID)).all()]
if ids:
ids = list(set(ids).intersection(variables))
ids = variables
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
query = self._session.query(Variables)
if ids:
query = query.filter(Variables.VariableID.in_(ids))
if codes:
query = query.filter(Variables.VariableCode.in_(codes))
return query.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# Method
[docs] def getMethods(self, ids=None, codes=None, methodtype=None, **kwargs):
* Pass nothing - returns full list of method objects
* Pass a list of MethodIDs - returns a single method object for each given id
* Pass a list of MethodCode - returns a single method object for each given code
* Pass a MethodType - returns a list of method objects of the given MethodType
self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
if 'type' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the medtype parameter instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
methodtype = kwargs['type']
q = self._session.query(Methods)
if ids:
q = q.filter(Methods.MethodID.in_(ids))
if codes:
q = q.filter(Methods.MethodCode.in_(codes))
if methodtype:
q = q.filter_by(MethodTypeCV=methodtype)
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# ProcessingLevel
[docs] def getProcessingLevels(self, ids=None, codes=None):
Retrieve a list of Processing Levels
If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
all Processing Levels objects in the database will be returned.
ids (list, optional): List of Processing Levels IDs.
codes (list, optional): List of Processing Levels Codes.
list: List of ProcessingLevels Objects
>>> READ.getProcessingLevels(ids=[1, 3])
>>> READ.getProcessingLevels(codes=['L1', 'L3'])
q = self._session.query(ProcessingLevels)
if ids:
q = q.filter(ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelID.in_(ids))
if codes:
q = q.filter(ProcessingLevels.ProcessingLevelCode.in_(codes))
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# Sampling Feature
[docs] def getSamplingFeatures(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None,
sftype=None, wkt=None, results=False, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve a list of Sampling Feature objects.
If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
all Sampling Feature objects in the database will be returned.
ids (list, optional): List of SamplingFeatureIDs.
codes (list, optional): List of SamplingFeature Codes.
uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string.
sftype (str, optional): Type of Sampling Feature from
`controlled vocabulary name <>`_.
wkt (str, optional): SamplingFeature Well Known Text.
results (bool, optional): Whether or not you want to return only the
sampling features that have results associated with them.
list: List of Sampling Feature objects
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(ids=[39, 40])
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(type='Site')
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(wkt='POINT (30 10)')
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(results=True)
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatures(type='Site', results=True)
self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
if 'type' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the sftype parameter instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
sftype = kwargs['type']
if results:
fas = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(Results.FeatureActionID)).all()]
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
sf = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(distinct(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID)).filter(FeatureActions.FeatureActionID.in_(fas)).all()] # noqa
if ids:
ids = list(set(ids).intersection(sf))
ids = sf
q = self._session.query(SamplingFeatures)
if sftype:
q = q.filter_by(SamplingFeatureTypeCV=sftype)
if ids:
q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID.in_(ids))
if codes:
q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode.in_(codes))
if uuids:
q = q.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureUUID.in_(uuids))
if wkt:
q = q.filter_by(FeatureGeometryWKT=wkt)
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# Action
[docs] def getActions(self, ids=None, acttype=None, sfid=None, **kwargs):
* Pass nothing - returns a list of all Actions
* Pass a list of Action ids - returns a list of Action objects
* Pass a ActionTypeCV - returns a list of Action objects of that type
* Pass a SamplingFeature ID - returns a list of Action objects
associated with that Sampling feature ID, Found through featureAction table
self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
if 'type' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the acttype parameter instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
acttype = kwargs['type']
a = Actions
if acttype == 'equipment':
a = EquipmentActions
elif acttype == 'calibration':
a = CalibrationActions
elif acttype == 'maintenance':
a = MaintenanceActions
q = self._session.query(a)
if ids:
q = q.filter(a.ActionID.in_(ids))
if sfid:
q = q.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sfid)
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# Unit
[docs] def getUnits(self, ids=None, name=None, unittype=None, **kwargs):
* Pass nothing - returns a list of all units objects
* Pass a list of UnitsID - returns a single units object for the given id
* Pass UnitsName - returns a single units object
* Pass a type- returns a list of all objects of the given type
self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
if 'type' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the unittype parameter instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
unittype = kwargs['type']
q = self._session.query(Units)
if ids:
q = q.filter(Units.UnitsID.in_(ids))
if name:
q = q.filter(Units.UnitsName.ilike(name))
if unittype:
q = q.filter(Units.UnitsTypeCV.ilike(unittype))
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# Organization
[docs] def getOrganizations(self, ids=None, codes=None):
* Pass nothing - returns a list of all organization objects
* Pass a list of OrganizationID - returns a single organization object
* Pass a list of OrganizationCode - returns a single organization object
q = self._session.query(Organizations)
if ids:
q = q.filter(Organizations.OrganizationID.in_(ids))
if codes:
q = q.filter(Organizations.OrganizationCode.in_(codes))
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# Person
[docs] def getPeople(self, ids=None, firstname=None, lastname=None):
* Pass nothing - returns a list of all People objects
* Pass a list of PeopleID - returns a single People object
* Pass a First Name - returns a single People object
* Pass a Last Name - returns a single People object
q = self._session.query(People)
if ids:
q = q.filter(People.PersonID.in_(ids))
if firstname:
q = q.filter(People.PersonFirstName.ilike(firstname))
if lastname:
q = q.filter(People.PersonLastName.ilike(lastname))
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
[docs] def getAffiliations(self, ids=None, personfirst=None, personlast=None, orgcode=None):
"""Retrieve a list of Affiliation objects.
If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
all Affiliation objects in the database will be returned.
ids (list, optional): List of AffiliationIDs.
personfirst (str, optional): Person First Name.
personlast (str, optional): Person Last Name.
orgcode (str, optional): Organization Code.
list: List of Affiliation objects
>>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(ids=[39,40])
>>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(personfirst='John',
... personlast='Smith')
>>> ReadODM2.getAffiliations(orgcode='Acme')
q = self._session.query(Affiliations)
if ids:
q = q.filter(Affiliations.AffiliationID.in_(ids))
if orgcode:
q = q.join(Affiliations.OrganizationObj).filter(Organizations.OrganizationCode.ilike(orgcode))
if personfirst:
q = q.join(Affiliations.PersonObj).filter(People.PersonFirstName.ilike(personfirst))
if personlast:
q = q.join(Affiliations.PersonObj).filter(People.PersonLastName.ilike(personlast))
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# Results
[docs] def getResults(self, ids=None, restype=None, uuids=None, actionid=None, simulationid=None,
variableid=None, siteid=None, sfids=None, sfuuids=None, sfcodes=None, **kwargs):
# TODO what if user sends in both type and actionid vs just actionid
"""Retrieve a list of Result objects.
If no arguments are passed to the function, or their values are None,
all Result objects in the database will be returned.
ids (list, optional): List of ResultIDs.
restype (str, optional): Type of Result from
`controlled vocabulary name <>`_.
uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string.
actionid (int, optional): ActionID.
simulationid (int, optional): SimulationID.
variableid (int, optional): VariableID.
siteid (int, optional): SiteID. - goes through related features table and finds all of results
recorded at the given site
sfids(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature IDs integer.
sfuuids(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature UUIDs string.
sfcodes=(list, optional): List of Sampling Feature codes string.
list: List of Result objects
>>> ReadODM2.getResults(ids=[39,40])
>>> ReadODM2.getResults(restype='Time series coverage')
>>> ReadODM2.getResults(sfids=[65])
>>> ReadODM2.getResults(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
>>> ReadODM2.getResults(simulationid=50)
>>> ReadODM2.getResults(siteid=6)
>>> ReadODM2.getResults(variableid=7)
>>> ReadODM2.getResults(actionid=20)
query = self._session.query(Results)
self._check_kwargs(['type', 'sfid'], kwargs)
if 'type' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the restype parameter instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
restype = kwargs['type']
if restype:
query = query.filter_by(ResultTypeCV=restype)
if variableid:
query = query.filter_by(VariableID=variableid)
if ids:
query = query.filter(Results.ResultID.in_(ids))
if uuids:
query = query.filter(Results.ResultUUID.in_(uuids))
if simulationid:
query = query.join(FeatureActions) \
.join(Actions) \
.join(Simulations) \
if actionid:
query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter_by(ActionID=actionid)
if 'sfid' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'sfid' is deprecated. " +
"Please use the sfids parameter instead and send in a list.", # noqa
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if kwargs['sfid']:
query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter_by(SamplingFeatureID=kwargs['sfid'])
if sfids or sfcodes or sfuuids:
sf_list = self.getSamplingFeatures(ids=sfids, codes=sfcodes, uuids=sfuuids)
sfids = []
for sf in sf_list:
query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID.in_(sfids))
if siteid:
sfids = [x[0] for x in self._session.query(
.filter(RelatedFeatures.RelatedFeatureID == siteid)
# TODO does this code do the same thing as the code above?
# sf_list = self.getRelatedSamplingFeatures(rfid=siteid)
# sfids = []
# for sf in sf_list:
# sfids.append(sf.SamplingFeatureID)
query = query.join(FeatureActions).filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID.in_(sfids))
return query.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# Datasets
[docs] def getDataSets(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None):
Retrieve a list of Datasets
ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs.
codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes.
uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string.
dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
`controlled vocabulary name <>`_.
list: List of DataSets Objects
>>> READ.getDataSets(ids=[39, 40])
>>> READ.getDataSets(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
>>> READ.getDataSets(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
>>> READ.getDataSets(dstype='singleTimeSeries')
q = self._session.query(DataSets)
if ids:
q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetID.in_(ids))
if codes:
q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetCode.in_(codes))
if uuids:
if dstype:
q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetTypeCV == dstype)
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query {}'.format(e))
return None
# Datasets
[docs] def getDataSetsResults(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None):
Retrieve a detailed list of Datasets along with detailed metadata about the datasets
and the results contained within them
**Must specify either DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode)**
ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs.
codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes.
uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string.
dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
`controlled vocabulary name <>`_.
list: List of DataSetsResults Objects
>>> READ.getDataSetsResults(ids=[39, 40])
>>> READ.getDataSetsResults(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
>>> READ.getDataSetsResults(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
>>> READ.getDataSetsResults(dstype='singleTimeSeries')
# make sure one of the three arguments has been sent in
if all(v is None for v in [ids, codes, uuids]):
raise ValueError('Expected DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode argument')
q = self._session.query(DataSetsResults) \
if ids:
q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetID.in_(ids))
if codes:
q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetCode.in_(codes))
if uuids:
if dstype:
q = q.filter(DataSets.DataSetTypeCV == dstype)
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query {}'.format(e))
return None
[docs] def getDataSetsValues(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None, lowercols=True):
Retrieve a list of datavalues associated with the given dataset info
**Must specify either DataSetID OR DataSetUUID OR DataSetCode)**
ids (list, optional): List of DataSetsIDs.
codes (list, optional): List of DataSet Codes.
uuids (list, optional): List of Dataset UUIDs string.
dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
`controlled vocabulary name <>`_.
lowercols (bool, optional): Make column names to be lowercase.
Default to True.
**Please start upgrading your code to rely on CamelCase column names,
In a near-future release,
the default will be changed to False,
and later the parameter may be removed**.
list: List of Result Values Objects
>>> READ.getDataSetsValues(ids=[39, 40])
>>> READ.getDataSetsValues(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
>>> READ.getDataSetsValues(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
>>> READ.getDataSetsValues(dstype='singleTimeSeries', lowercols=False)
dsr = self.getDataSetsResults(ids, codes, uuids, dstype)
resids = []
for ds in dsr:
return self.getResultValues(resultids=resids, lowercols=lowercols)
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query {}'.format(e))
return None
[docs] def getSamplingFeatureDatasets(self, ids=None, codes=None, uuids=None, dstype=None, sftype=None):
Retrieve a list of Datasets associated with the given sampling feature data.
**Must specify either samplingFeatureID OR samplingFeatureUUID OR samplingFeatureCode)**
ids (list, optional): List of SamplingFeatureIDs.
codes (list, optional): List of SamplingFeature Codes.
uuids (list, optional): List of UUIDs string.
dstype (str, optional): Type of Dataset from
`controlled vocabulary name <>`_.
sftype (str, optional): Type of SamplingFeature from
`controlled vocabulary name <>`_.
list: List of DataSetsResults Objects associated with the given sampling feature
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(ids=[39, 40])
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(codes=['HOME', 'FIELD'])
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(uuids=['a6f114f1-5416-4606-ae10-23be32dbc202',
... '5396fdf3-ceb3-46b6-aaf9-454a37278bb4'])
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(dstype='singleTimeSeries')
>>> READ.getSamplingFeatureDatasets(sftype='Specimen')
# make sure one of the three arguments has been sent in
if all(v is None for v in [ids, codes, uuids, sftype]):
raise ValueError(
'Expected samplingFeatureID OR samplingFeatureUUID '
'OR samplingFeatureCode OR samplingFeatureType '
sf_query = self._session.query(SamplingFeatures)
if sftype:
sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureTypeCV == sftype)
if ids:
sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureID.in_(ids))
if codes:
sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureCode.in_(codes))
if uuids:
sf_query = sf_query.filter(SamplingFeatures.SamplingFeatureUUID.in_(uuids))
sf_list = []
for sf in sf_query.all():
sfds = []
for sf in sf_list:
# Eager loading the data.
q = self._session.query(DataSetsResults)\
.filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sf.SamplingFeatureID)\
if dstype:
q = q.filter_by(DatasetTypeCV=dstype)
vals = q.all()
related = self.getRelatedSamplingFeatures(sf.SamplingFeatureID)
sfds.append(SamplingFeatureDataSet(sf, vals, related))
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
return sfds
# Data Quality
[docs] def getDataQuality(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(DataQuality).all()
# TODO DataQuality Schema Queries
[docs] def getReferenceMaterials(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(ReferenceMaterials).all()
[docs] def getReferenceMaterialValues(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(ReferenceMaterialValues).all()
[docs] def getResultNormalizationValues(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(ResultNormalizationValues).all()
[docs] def getResultsDataQuality(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(ResultsDataQuality).all()
# TODO Equipment Schema Queries
# Equipment
[docs] def getEquipment(self, codes=None, equiptype=None, sfid=None, actionid=None, **kwargs):
* Pass nothing - returns a list of all Equipment objects
* Pass a list of EquipmentCodes- return a list of all Equipment objects that match each of the codes
* Pass a EquipmentType - returns a single Equipment object
* Pass a SamplingFeatureID - returns a single Equipment object
* Pass an ActionID - returns a single Equipment object
self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
if 'type' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the equiptype parameter instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
equiptype = kwargs['type']
# NOTE: Equiptype currently unused!
if equiptype:
e = self._session.query(Equipment)
if sfid:
e = e.join(EquipmentUsed) \
.join(Actions) \
.join(FeatureActions) \
.filter(FeatureActions.SamplingFeatureID == sfid)
if codes:
e = e.filter(Equipment.EquipmentCode.in_(codes))
if actionid:
e = e.join(EquipmentUsed).join(Actions) \
.filter(Actions.ActionID == actionid)
return e.all()
[docs] def CalibrationReferenceEquipment(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(CalibrationReferenceEquipment).all()
[docs] def CalibrationStandards(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(CalibrationStandards).all()
[docs] def DataloggerFileColumns(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(DataLoggerFileColumns).all()
[docs] def DataLoggerFiles(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(DataLoggerFiles).all()
[docs] def DataloggerProgramFiles(self):
* Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(DataLoggerProgramFiles).all()
[docs] def EquipmentModels(self):
* Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(EquipmentModels).all()
[docs] def EquipmentUsed(self):
* Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(EquipmentUsed).all()
[docs] def InstrumentOutputVariables(self, modelid=None, variableid=None):
* Pass Nothing - return a list of all objects
* Pass ModelID
* Pass VariableID
i = self._session.query(InstrumentOutputVariables)
if modelid:
i = i.filter_by(ModelID=modelid)
if variableid:
i = i.filter_by(VariableID=variableid)
return i.all()
# Extension Properties
[docs] def getExtensionProperties(self, exptype=None, **kwargs):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
* Pass type- return a list of all objects of the given type
# Todo what values to use for extensionproperties type
self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
if 'type' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the exptype parameter instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
exptype = kwargs['type']
e = ExtensionProperties
if exptype == 'action':
e = ActionExtensionPropertyValues
elif exptype == 'citation':
e = CitationExtensionPropertyValues
elif exptype == 'method':
e = MethodExtensionPropertyValues
elif exptype == 'result':
e = ResultExtensionPropertyValues
elif exptype == 'samplingfeature':
e = SamplingFeatureExtensionPropertyValues
elif exptype == 'variable':
e = VariableExtensionPropertyValues
return self._session.query(e).all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# External Identifiers
[docs] def getExternalIdentifiers(self, eitype=None, **kwargs):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
* Pass type- return a list of all objects of the given type
self._check_kwargs(['type'], kwargs)
if 'type' in kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter 'type' is deprecated. Please use the eitype parameter instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
eitype = kwargs['type']
e = ExternalIdentifierSystems
if eitype.lowercase == 'citation':
e = CitationExternalIdentifiers
elif eitype == 'method':
e = MethodExternalIdentifiers
elif eitype == 'person':
e = PersonExternalIdentifiers
elif eitype == 'referencematerial':
e = ReferenceMaterialExternalIdentifiers
elif eitype == 'samplingfeature':
e = SamplingFeatureExternalIdentifiers
elif eitype == 'spatialreference':
e = SpatialReferenceExternalIdentifiers
elif eitype == 'taxonomicclassifier':
e = TaxonomicClassifierExternalIdentifiers
elif eitype == 'variable':
e = VariableExternalIdentifiers
return self._session.query(e).all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# TODO functions for Lab Analyses
# Lab Analyses
[docs] def getDirectives(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(Directives).all()
[docs] def getActionDirectives(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(ActionDirectives).all()
[docs] def getSpecimenBatchPositions(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(SpecimenBatchPositions).all()
# TODO functions for Provenance
# Provenance
[docs] def getAuthorLists(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(AuthorLists).all()
[docs] def getDatasetCitations(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(DataSetCitations).all()
[docs] def getDerivationEquations(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(DerivationEquations).all()
[docs] def getMethodCitations(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(MethodCitations).all()
[docs] def getResultDerivationEquations(self):
* Pass nothing - return a list of all objects
return self._session.query(ResultDerivationEquations).all()
[docs] def getResultValues(self, resultids, starttime=None, endtime=None, lowercols=True):
Retrieve result values associated with the given result.
**The resultids must be associated with the same result type**
resultids (list): List of SamplingFeatureIDs.
starttime (object, optional): Start time to filter by as datetime object.
endtime (object, optional): End time to filter by as datetime object.
lowercols (bool, optional): Make column names to be lowercase.
Default to True.
**Please start upgrading your code to rely on CamelCase column names,
In a near-future release,
the default will be changed to False,
and later the parameter may be removed**.
DataFrame: Pandas dataframe of result values.
>>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[10, 11])
>>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[100, 20, 34],
>>> READ.getResultValues(resultids=[1, 2, 3, 4],
>>> starttime=datetime(2000, 01, 01),
>>> endtime=datetime(2003, 02, 01), lowercols=False)
restype = self._session.query(Results).filter_by(ResultID=resultids[0]).first().ResultTypeCV
ResultValues = TimeSeriesResultValues
if 'categorical' in restype.lower():
ResultValues = CategoricalResultValues
elif 'measurement' in restype.lower():
ResultValues = MeasurementResultValues
elif 'point' in restype.lower():
ResultValues = PointCoverageResultValues
elif 'profile' in restype.lower():
ResultValues = ProfileResultValues
elif 'section' in restype.lower():
ResultValues = SectionResults
elif 'spectra' in restype.lower():
ResultValues = SpectraResultValues
elif 'time' in restype.lower():
ResultValues = TimeSeriesResultValues
elif 'trajectory' in restype.lower():
ResultValues = TrajectoryResultValues
elif 'transect' in restype.lower():
ResultValues = TransectResultValues
q = self._session.query(ResultValues).filter(ResultValues.ResultID.in_(resultids))
if starttime:
q = q.filter(ResultValues.ValueDateTime >= starttime)
if endtime:
q = q.filter(ResultValues.ValueDateTime <= endtime)
# F841 local variable 'vals' is assigned to but never used
# vals = q.order_by(ResultType.ValueDateTime)
query = q.statement.compile(dialect=self._session_factory.engine.dialect)
df = pd.read_sql_query(
if not lowercols:
df.columns = [self._get_columns(ResultValues)[c] for c in df.columns]
"In a near-future release, " + # noqa
"the parameter 'lowercols' default will be changed to False, " +
"and later the parameter may be removed.", # noqa
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return df
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# SamplingFeatures
# Site
[docs] def getSpatialReferences(self, srsCodes=None):
getSpatialReferences(self, srsCodes=None)
* Pass nothing - return a list of all Spatial References
* Pass in a list of SRS Codes-
q = self._session.query(SpatialReferences)
if srsCodes:
return q.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
# Simulation
[docs] def getSimulations(self, name=None, actionid=None):
getSimulations(self, name=None, actionid=None)
* Pass nothing - get a list of all converter simuation objects
* Pass a SimulationName - get a single simulation object
* Pass an ActionID - get a single simulation object
s = self._session.query(Simulations)
if name:
s = s.filter(Simulations.SimulationName.ilike(name))
if actionid:
s = s.filter_by(ActionID=actionid)
return s.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None
[docs] def getModels(self, codes=None):
getModels(self, codes=None)
* Pass nothing - return a list of all Model Objects
* Pass a list of ModelCodes - get a list of converter objects related to the converter having ModeCode
m = self._session.query(Models)
if codes:
m = m.filter(Models.ModelCode.in_(codes))
return m.all()
except Exception as e:
print('Error running Query: {}'.format(e))
return None