RelatedResults | Information about relationships among Results |
Columns |

| RelationID | Integer | |

| | Primary key for a relationship table (i.e. named "Related..."). | |
| ResultID | BigInt | | | | Foreign key identifier for a Result |

| RelationshipTypeCV | VarChar(255) | | | | Text description of the relationship between the Results from a controlled vocabulary (e.g., "isDerivedFrom") |

| RelatedResultID | BigInt | | | | Foreign key identifier for a Result that is related to the Result identified by ResultID |

| VersionCode | VarChar(50) |

| | | Text version number/code that can be specified if the Result is an explicit version of another Result and where the RelationshipTypeCV = "isNewVersionOf". | |
| RelatedResultSequenceNumber | Integer |

| | | Integer sequence number indicating the order in which a RelatedResults appears in a DerivationEquation (i.e. 1 for x1, 2 for x2...) and where a Result "isDerivedFrom" one or more RelatedResults. | |